
Dental Crowns Restore Functionality and Protect Teeth from More Serious Complications

Our doctors can place durable and high-quality dental crowns at our New York dental practice to repair damaged teeth and protect them from further decay. A dental crown is essentially a cap that encompasses a damaged or decayed tooth. This cap restores functionality and strengthens the tooth, while protecting it from additional damage or decay. Tooth-colored dental crowns have grown in popularity, since they also restore the aesthetics of your smile. Our team possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to create a dental crown that closely mimics your natural tooth.

Importance of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns help restore the integrity of a tooth that has suffered too much decay or damage for a filling alone to do an adequate job for repair. Failing to repair a decayed or damaged tooth can lead to tooth loss. In addition, a damaged or decayed tooth can cause an infection. A dental crown prevents such complications by sealing the tooth off from potentially harmful bacteria.

With a dental crown, your restored tooth will look, feel, and function like a normal, healthy tooth.

Dental crowns can be made from a variety of different materials, including metals such as silver or gold. However, tooth-colored options such as porcelain have grown in popularity. Porcelain offers comparable strength and durability to metal crowns without tarnishing the aesthetics of your smile. Crowns are created in a local dental laboratory by skilled technicians who use impressions of your teeth to make a crown that will fit snugly over your natural tooth. They will also carefully select a shade of porcelain that closely matches the rest of your smile for an inconspicuous look.

How Dental Crowns Are Placed

Dental crowns are typically placed over the course of two office visits. During the first visit, your dentist will take x-rays of your teeth and jawbone to assess the extent of the damage or decay. Once it is determined that a crown is the most appropriate treatment option, your dentist will numb the area for your comfort. He or she will then reshape your tooth to accommodate your dental crown. In some cases, your dentist may also place a filling at this time. Once the reshaping process is complete, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth for the creation of your crown. He or she will then put a temporary crown in place to protect your tooth.

Your dentist will clean and reshape the tooth so the crown fits properly. The permanent crown will then be cemented firmly in place.

The creation of dental crowns typically takes one to two weeks. Once we receive your crown from the lab, your dentist can remove your temporary crown and attach the permanent crown in place with a strong adhesive. He or she will ensure the fit is secure before polishing it for correct bite alignment and a lifelike appearance. You can drive yourself home after both appointments. You may experience some sensitivity or some minor bleeding in the gums for a few days following your appointment. This is normal and should subside within a week.

Signs You May Need a Dental Crown

If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, a dental crown can repair this damage and reduce any discomfort. Dental crowns are also a good treatment option for more extensive damage or decay. They are also used in root canal therapy to seal the tooth and provide structural integrity. If you recently chipped or cracked a tooth, or if you’ve been experiencing any pain or discomfort when chewing, it is important to have your teeth examined so we can determine if a crown is the best course of treatment.

  • A toothache or tooth sensitivity
  • Pain in the tooth when eating or drinking something hot or cold
  • Stains on the tooth that appear brown, black, or white
  • Pain when biting down

Preserving Your Smile

Dental crowns offer many benefits. By placing a crown, we can eliminate any discomfort you may have been experiencing. This can improve your chewing ability, making it more comfortable. A crown will also prevent other, more serious complications without having to remove the tooth. Preserving your natural tooth is better for your oral health, because the root helps keep the surrounding bone tissue healthy. It is also less invasive than removing the entire tooth.

Contact Us

With a dental crown, your restored tooth will look, feel, and function like a normal, healthy tooth. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort when chewing, or if you recently damaged a tooth, contact our dental office today to schedule your appointment.