

Follow these recommendations to maximize care for each treatment.


  • Respect the adjustment period for your new dentures.

  • Ease into your daily routines with your new dentures. Eat softer foods first and practice speaking.

  • Be patient with the adjustment period for fit and adapting to your gums.

  • Return to your dentist within a recommended period of days for an adjustment

  • and progress observation. Inform your dentist about any soreness, loose fit, difficulty chewing or speaking.

  • Brush your dentures daily inside and out. Use a soft tooth brush or recommended denture

  • Brush along with tooth paste or denture paste.

  • Soak your denture occasionally in a cleansing solution.

  • Avoid dropping your dentures while cleaning. Clean them over a sink of water or a soft wash cloth.

  • Schedule annual check-ups with your dentist to check fit, make adjustments, and assure proper gum and bone tissue health.

  • Sleep without your dentures if possible. This helps your gum tissue rest and avoid unnecessary irritation.

Information Following Osseous Surgery

Day of Treatment

Please avoid extremely cold or hot foods until numbness wears off. Try to rest for the remainder of today, and avoid rigorous exercise.

Take your prescribed medications as reviewed and as noted on your Medication Information Sheet. You may expect to have some discomfort when the anesthetic wears off. Therefore, we advise that you start taking your pain medication, either prescription or over the counter, before all numbness has subsided. You should consistently feel better each day following treatment. Should discomfort increase after 3-4 days, please call the office.

During the first 24 hours after surgery, an ice pack placed on the facial area nearest to the surgical site will help decrease swelling and bruising. Alternate the ice pack on and off in 15 minute intervals. Minor head elevation for the first day or two following surgery will also help minimize facial swelling.

Small amounts of blood in your saliva may be present for the first few days following surgery. This will diminish as your mouth heals. Should significant bleeding persist, sit quietly, fold moistened gauze or a moistened tea bag into a “U,” and with the thumb and forefinger apply firm pressure to both sides of the area for twenty minutes. This will allow a clot to form, and the bleeding will stop. Otherwise, please call the office.

  • Do not drink through a straw, and avoid vigorous rinsing/spitting during this time as well.

  • Please abstain from smoking for at least 24 hours after surgery.

  • Use the provided gauze moistened with mouthwash to gently clean your mouth instead of using your toothbrush today. Do not clean or disturb the surgical site.

  • Eat only very soft foods.

After 24 Hours
  • Continue to take your prescription medications.

  • Some facial swelling and/or bruising near the surgical area may become apparent. A warm pack can be applied at this time to aid in comfort and reduce swelling and bruising. Alternate the warm pack on and off in 15 minute intervals. Continue as needed.

  • Use the provided gauze moistened with mouthwash to gently clean your mouth instead of using your toothbrush today. Do not clean or disturb the surgical site.

  • Begin to rinse daily with Peridex after breakfast and before bedtime starting 24 hours after your surgery. Proper home care helps prevent infection and aids healing. Peridex will reduce the bacteria count in your mouth during the healing process. Continue the Peridex twice daily for eight days.

  • Eat only very soft foods.

Scaling and Root Planning

  • Scaling and root planning is a non-surgical treatment for periodontal (gum) disease. The procedure removes bacterial plaque and tartar from around your teeth and beneath your gum line.

  • The treatment cleans and smoothes your teeth and roots. It promotes healing from inflammation and infection associated with gum disease.

  • Avoid eating and chewing on the treated area for two hours following treatment or until your anesthesia wears off.

  • Avoid hard foods such as chips, popcorn, and seeds for several days.

  • Rinse your mouth two to three times per day with a warm salt water mix. Use one teaspoon of salt to three ounces of water.

  • Resume your home oral hygiene routine. Be gentle in the area of your treatment.

  • Avoid smoking for 24 to 48 hours after your procedure.

  • Use a non-aspirin pain reliever (Advil, Tylenol, etc.) according to your medical conditions.

  • Contact your dentist if you have persistent discomfort or swelling following your procedure.

Dental Crown and Bridge

  • If you required anesthesia, avoid eating until your mouth is no longer numb.

  • Contact our dental office if your bite feels uneven. Schedule an adjustment to avoid unnecessary pain or discomfort.

  • Floss your permanent crown as you would your natural tooth. Use a floss threader to remove food, etc from beneath your dental bridge.

  • Carefully eat hard food such as nuts, candies, and ice to avoid breaking or damaging your permanent crown.

  • Avoid chewing on anything that could potentially break or damage your crown.

  • Consider the use of a night-guard if you clench or grind your teeth at night during sleep.

  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your options.

  • Expect some hot/cold sensitivity following your crown procedure.

Care for Your Braces

  • Brush and floss your teeth. Healthy teeth respond best to consistent oral hygiene. Maintain the quality of your braces along with your teeth helps assure the best outcomes.

  • Keep your appointments and follow directions. Your orthodontic success involves routine progress checks. Adjustments and observation can keep you on-track and eliminate an extended treatment period.

  • Be patient. Treatment times vary. Your teeth will adjust at their own pace and according to the recommended course of treatment prescribed for you.

Bone Graft Procedure

  • Rest and avoid tenuous activity for the next 24 hours following your procedure.

  • Keep your blood pressure low to reduce any bleeding and enhance healing.

  • Reduce your pain with over-the-counter pain relievers (Tylenol, Advil, non-aspirin pain relievers) every 3 to 4 hours until bedtime.

  • Use prescribed pain medication as needed and with food or milk to reduce stomach irritation.

  • Avoid alcohol if taking any prescribed pain medication.

Extraction & IMPLANTS

  • Avoid disturbing the treatment area.

  • Allow a few days, especially the first 24 hours, for your body to naturally heal and “clot.”

  • Avoid dislodging the clot with swishing, sucking through a straw, and smoking.

  • Prevent toothpicks, eating utensils, or crunchy foods from making contact with the treated area.

  • Chew on the opposite side of your mouth for 24 hours.

  • Control bleeding with gauze and light pressure for 30 minutes after your

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